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第一章 总 则

  第一条 为实现事业单位人事管理的科学化、制度化和规范化,规范事业单位招聘行为,提高事业单位工作人员的素质,根据人事部《事业单位公开招聘人员暂行规定》,结合我省实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法适用于我省各级机构编制部门批准设立的事业单位。参照公务员法管理的事业单位除外。

  第三条 事业单位新进专业技术人员、管理人员和工勤人员,均应面向社会实行公开招聘。


第四条 事业单位公开招聘人员应当坚持公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则;坚持政府宏观管理与落实单位用人自主权相结合,统一规范、分类指导、分级管理。

第五条 事业单位公开招聘人员根据用人单位招聘岗位的任职条件及要求,采取考试、考核的办法进行。


第六条 政府人事行政部门是政府所属事业单位进行公开招聘工作的主管机关。政府人事行政部门与事业单位上级主管部门负责对事业单位公开招聘工作进行指导、监督和管理。

第七条 事业单位招聘人员应成立招聘工作组织,负责有关工作的具体实施。其成员按照需要,可以由本单位人事部门、纪检监察部门、工会代表、职工代表及有关专家组成。

第二章 招聘对象、条件及程序

第八条 事业单位招聘人员应当面向社会,凡符合条件的各类人员均可报名应聘。

第九条 应聘人员应当具备下列基本条件:



第十条 事业单位公开招聘一般按下列程序进行:

(一) 制定招聘计划;

(二) 发布招聘信息;

(三) 受理应聘人员的申请,对资格条件进行审查;

(四) 考试、体检及考核;

(五) 根据考试、考核结果,确定拟聘人员;

(六) 公示招聘结果;

(七) 签订聘用合同,办理聘用手续。

第十一条 具有下列情况之一的,经事业单位考核、主管部门同意、同级政府人事行政部门核准,可以直接聘用为工作人员:



第三章 招聘计划、信息发布与资格审查
  第十二条 事业单位应当在机构编制部门核定的编制范围内,根据工作需要制定招聘计划。招聘计划的内容包括:拟招聘的岗位、人数、所需资格条件,招聘的时间、方式,单位岗位设置及相关比例等。

第十三条 省直属事业单位的招聘计划由事业单位编制后报省政府人事行政部门备案;省政府工作部门所属事业单位的招聘计划由事业单位编制,经事业单位上级主管部门同意后报省政府人事行政部门备案。


第十四条 招聘计划确定后,事业单位或组织考试的部门应向社会公开发布招聘信息。发布招聘信息至报名开始时间应不少于7个工作日。招聘信息的主要内容包括:事业单位的情况简介;招聘的岗位名称和人数、所需资格条件及待遇;招聘办法及程序;报名时间、地点和所需的证件及有关材料;考试、考核的时间、内容、范围、方法以及考试综合成绩中笔试、面试所占比例等需要说明的事项。

第十五条 事业单位或组织考试的部门应在公告规定的时间和地点组织报名,对报名人员进行资格审查,确定符合条件的人员,并告知报名人员。同一岗位符合条件的报考人数不得低于招聘岗位人数的3倍,不到规定比例的,一般应相应核减或取消招聘岗位数,并告知报名人员。对少数专业特殊或确实难以形成竞争的专业技术岗位,可根据实际情况确定。

第四章 考试、体检及考核

第十六条 考试由事业单位自行组织,也可以由政府人事行政部门、事业单位上级主管部门统一组织。



第十七条 考试可采取笔试、面试等方式进行。

第十八条 事业单位或组织考试的部门在考试前应当制定考试规则,及时向社会公布,并严格按照规则组织考试。

第十九条 事业单位自行组织的考试,考试科目与方式由事业单位根据行业、专业及岗位特点确定。考试内容应是招聘岗位所需要的专业知识、业务能力和工作技能。

第二十条 政府人事行政部门或事业单位上级主管部门统一组织的考试,一般应先进行笔试,笔试以后从高分到低分,由组织考试的部门按照与招聘计划的一定比例确定面试人员并予以公告。



第二十一条 事业单位或事业单位上级主管部门应对考试入围人员组织身体检查。体检标准由事业单位根据招聘岗位需要及其有关规定确定。体检应在县级以上综合医院进行。

第二十二条 事业单位应根据考试成绩、体检情况确定考核对象,并对其思想政治表现、道德品质、业务能力、工作实绩等进行考核。      

第二十三条 事业单位根据考试、体检和考核结果确定拟聘用人员。

第五章 聘 用

第二十四条 对拟聘用人员由事业单位或组织考试的部门负责在适当的范围内进行公示,公示时间不少于7个工作日。

第二十五条 在公示期间,对拟聘用人员有反映的,由事业单位或事业单位上级主管部门进行调查核实,并提出相应的处理意见。

第二十六条 对拟聘用人员由事业单位填写《事业单位新增人员审核表》(表式附后),经上级主管部门同意后报同级政府人事行政部门核准。

第二十七条 事业单位应按《浙江省事业单位人员聘用制度试行细则》规定,与聘用人员签订聘用合同。

第二十八条 被聘用人员凭《事业单位新增人员审核表》和与事业单位签订的聘用合同,办理户籍、人事关系转移、社会保险和工资等相关手续。

第二十九条 事业单位公开招聘的人员按规定实行试用期制度。试用期包括在聘用合同期限内。试用期满合格的,予以正式聘用;不合格的,取消聘用。

第六章 纪律与监督

第三十条 凡与事业单位负责人员有夫妻关系、直系血亲关系、三代以内旁系血亲关系或者近姻亲关系的应聘人员,不得应聘从事该单位负责人员的秘书或者人事、财务、纪检监察岗位,也不得应聘与单位领导人员有直接上下级领导关系的岗位。
  第三十一条 招聘工作要做到信息公开、过程公开、结果公开,接受社会及有关部门的监督。

第三十二条 政府人事行政部门和事业单位上级主管部门要认真履行监管职责,对事业单位招聘过程中违反干部人事纪律及本规定的行为要予以制止和纠正,保证招聘工作的公开、公平、公正。

第三十三条 严格公开招聘纪律。对有下列违反本规定情形的,由相关部门、单位按管理权限给予严肃处理。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。








第三十四条 对违反公开招聘纪律的应聘人员,视情节轻重取消考试或聘用资格;对违反本规定招聘的受聘人员,一经查实,应当解除聘用合同,予以清退。

第三十五条 对违反公开招聘纪律的工作人员,视情节轻重调离招聘工作岗位或给予相应的处分;对违反公开招聘纪律的其他相关人员,按照有关规定追究责任。

第七章 附 则
  第三十六条 事业单位招聘外国国籍人员,须按照国家有关法律、法规的规定办理。

第三十七条 本办法自2007年10月1日起实施。


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第一章 总则

第一节 管辖
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国仲裁法》和有关法律的规定以及国务院的《决定》、《通知》及《批复》,制定本仲裁规则。
第二条 中国海事仲裁委员会(原名中国国际贸易促进委员会海事仲裁委员会,以下简称仲裁委员会)以仲裁的方式,独立、公正地解决产生于远洋、沿海和与海相通的水域的运输、生产和航行过程中的契约性或非契约性的海事争议,以保护当事人的正当权益,促进国内外航运事业和经济贸易的发展。仲裁委员会受理下列海事争议案件:
第三条 仲裁委员会根据当事人在争议发生之前或者在争议发生之后达成的将争议提交仲裁委员会仲裁的仲裁协议和一方当事人的书面申请,受理案件。仲裁协议系指当事人在合同中订明的仲裁条款,或者以其他方式达成的提交仲裁的书面协议。
第四条 仲裁委员会有权对仲裁协议的存在、效力以及仲裁案件的管辖权作出决定。当事人对仲裁协议的效力有异议的,如果一方请求仲裁委员会作出决定,另一方请求人民法院作出裁定,则由人民法院裁定。
第五条 合同中的仲裁条款应视为与合同其他条款分离地、独立地存在的条款,附属于合同的仲裁协议也应视为与合同其他条款分离地、独立地存在的一个部分;合同的变更、解除、终止、失效或无效以及存在与否,均不影响仲裁条款或仲裁协议的效力。
第六条 对仲裁协议及/或仲裁案件管辖权的抗辩,应当在仲裁庭首次开庭前提出; 对书面审理的案件的管辖权的抗辩,应当在第一次实体答辩前提出。
第七条 凡当事人同意将争议提交仲裁委员会仲裁的,均视为同意按照本仲裁规则进行仲裁。

第二节 组织
第八条 仲裁委员会设名誉主任一人、顾问若干人。
第九条 仲裁委员会由主任一人、副主任若干人和委员若干人组成。主任履行本规则赋予的职责,副主任受主任的委托可以履行主任的职责。仲裁委员会设秘书处,在仲裁委员会秘书长的领导下负责处理仲裁委员会的日常事务。
第十条 仲裁委员会设立仲裁员名册,仲裁员由仲裁委员会从对航海、海上运输、对外贸易、保险和法律等方面具有专门知识和实际经验的中外人士中聘任。
第十一条 仲裁委员会设在北京。根据仲裁业务发展的需要,仲裁委员会可以在中国境内其他地方设立仲裁委员会分会。

第二章 仲裁程序

第一节 仲裁申请、答辩、反请求
第十二条 仲裁程序自仲裁委员会发出仲裁通知之日起开始。
第十三条 申请人提出仲裁申请时应: (一)提交仲裁申请书,仲裁申请书应写明:
1. 申请人和被申请人的名称和住所(如有邮政编码、电话、电传、传真和电报号码,也应写明);
2. 申请人所依据的仲裁协议;
3. 案情和争议要点;
4. 申请人的请求及所依据的事实和证据。
仲裁申请书应由申请人及/或申请人授权的代理人签名及/或盖章。 (二)在提交仲裁申请书时,附具申请人请求所依据的事实的证明文件。 (三)按照仲裁委员会制定的仲裁费用表的规定预缴仲裁费。
第十四条 仲裁委员会秘书处收到申请人的仲裁申请书及其附件后,经过审查,认为申请仲裁的手续不完备的,可以要求申请人予以完备; 认为申请仲裁的手续已完备的,应立即向被申请人发出仲裁通知,并将申请人的仲裁申请书及其附件,连同仲裁委员会的仲裁规则、仲裁员名册?
第十五条 申请人和被申请人应各自在收到仲裁通知之日起 20 天内在仲裁委员会仲裁员名册中各自选定一名仲裁员,或者委托仲裁委员会主任指定。
第十六条 被申请人应在收到仲裁通知之日起 45 天内向仲裁委员会秘书处提交答辩书和有关证明文件。
第十七条 被申请人如有反请求,最迟应在收到仲裁通知之日起 60 天内以书面形式提交仲裁委员会。仲裁庭认为有正当理由的,可以适当延长此期限。
第十八条 申请人可以对其仲裁请求提出修改,被申请人也可以对其反请求提出修改; 但是,仲裁庭认为其修改的提出过迟而影响仲裁程序正常进行的,可以拒绝修改请求。
第十九条 当事人提交仲裁申请书、答辩书、反请求书和有关证明材料以及其他文件时,应一式五份,如果当事人人数超过两人,则应增加相应份数,如果仲裁庭组成人数为一人,则可以减少两份。
第二十条 被申请人未提交书面答辩及/或申请人对被申请人的反请求未提出书面答辩的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。
第二十一条 当事人可以委托仲裁代理人办理有关的仲裁事项; 接受委托的仲裁代理人,应向仲裁委员会提交授权委托书。
第二十二条 当事人申请财产保全,仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交被申请人住所地或其财产所在地的海事法院作出裁定。

第二节 仲裁庭的组成
第二十三条 双方当事人应当各自在仲裁委员会仲裁员名册中选定一名仲裁员或者委托仲裁委员会主任指定。第三名仲裁员由双方当事人共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定。
如果双方当事人在被申请人收到仲裁通知之日起 20 天内未能共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定第三名仲裁员,则由仲裁委员会主任指定。第三名仲裁员担任首席仲裁员。首席仲裁员与被选定或者被指定的两名仲裁员组成仲裁庭,共同审理案件。
第二十四条 双方当事人可以在仲裁委员会仲裁员名册中共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员作为独任仲裁员,成立仲裁庭,单独审理案件。
如果双方当事人约定由一名独任仲裁员审理案件,但在被申请人收到仲裁通知之日起 20 天内未能就独任仲裁员的人选达成一致意见,则由仲裁委员会主任指定。
第二十五条 申请人或者被申请人未按照本仲裁规则第十五条的规定选定或者委托仲裁委员会主任指定仲裁员的,则由仲裁委员会主任指定。
第二十六条 仲裁案件有两个或者两个以上申请人及/或被申请人时,申请人之间及/或被申请人之间应当经过协商,在仲裁委员会仲裁员名册中各自共同选定或者各自共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员。
如果申请人之间及/或被申请人之间未能在收到仲裁通知之日起 20 天内各自共同选定或者各自共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员,则由仲裁委员会主任指定。
第二十七条 被选定或者被指定的仲裁员,与案件有个人利害关系的,应当自行向仲裁委员会披露并请求回避。
第二十八条 当事人对被选定或者被指定的仲裁员的公正性和独立性产生具有正当理由的怀疑时,可以书面向仲裁委员会提出要求该仲裁员回避的请求,但应说明提出回避请求所依据的具体事实和理由,并举证。
对仲裁员的回避请求应在第一次开庭之前以书面形式提出; 如果要求回避事由的发生和得知是在第一次开庭审理之后,则可以在最后一次开庭终结之前提出。
第二十九条 仲裁员是否回避,由仲裁委员会主任作出决定。
第三十条 仲裁员因回避或者由于死亡、除名等其他原因不能履行职责时,应按照原选定或者指定该仲裁员的程序,选定或者指定替代的仲裁员。

第三节 审理
第三十一条 仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。但经双方当事人申请或者征得双方当事人同意,仲裁庭也认为不必开庭审理的,仲裁庭可以只依据书面文件进行审理并作出裁决。
第三十二条 仲裁案件第一次开庭审理的日期,经仲裁庭商仲裁委员会秘书处决定后,由秘书处于开庭前 30 天通知双方当事人。当事人有正当理由的,可以请求延期,但必须在开庭前 12 天以书面形式向秘书处提出; 是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。
第三十三条 第一次开庭审理以后的开庭审理的日期的通知,不受 30 天期限的限制。
第三十四条 由仲裁委员会受理的案件应当在北京进行审理,经仲裁委员会秘书长同意,也可以在其他地点进行审理。
第三十五条 仲裁庭开庭审理案件不公开进行,如果双方当事人要求公开审理,由仲裁庭作出是否公开审理的决定。
第三十六条 不公开审理的案件,双方当事人及其仲裁代理人、证人、仲裁员、仲裁庭咨询的专家和指定的鉴定人、仲裁委员会秘书处的有关人员,均不得对外界透露案件实体和程序进行的情况。
第三十七条 当事人应当对其申请、答辩和反请求所依据的事实提出证据。仲裁庭认为必要时,可以自行调查事实,收集证据。
第三十八条 仲裁庭可以就案件中的专门问题向专家咨询或者指定鉴定人进行鉴定,专家和鉴定人可以是中国或外国的机构或公民。
第三十九条 专家报告和鉴定报告的副本,应送给双方当事人,给予双方当事人对专家报告和鉴定报告提出意见的机会。任何一方当事人要求专家/鉴定人参加开庭的,经仲裁庭同意后,专家/鉴定人可以参加开庭,并在仲裁庭认为必要和适宜的情况下就他们的报告作出解释。
第四十条 当事人提出的证据由仲裁庭审定; 专家报告和鉴定报告,由仲裁庭决定是否采纳。
第四十一条 仲裁庭开庭审理时,一方当事人不出席,仲裁庭可以进行缺席审理和作出缺席裁决。
第四十二条 开庭审理时,仲裁庭可以作庭审笔录及/或录音。仲裁庭认为必要时,可以作出庭审要点,并要求当事人及/其代理人、证人及/或其他有关人员在庭审要点上签字或者盖章。
第四十三条 仲裁案件,如果当事人在仲裁庭之外自行达成和解,可以请求仲裁庭根据其和解协议的内容作出裁决书结案,也可以申请撤销案件。在仲裁庭组成前申请撤销案件的,由仲裁委员会秘书长作出决定;在仲裁庭组成后申请撤销案件的, 由仲裁庭作出决定。
第四十四条 一方当事人知道或者理应知道本仲裁规则或仲裁协议中规定的任何条款或情事未被遵守,但仍参加仲裁程序或继续进行仲裁程序而且不对此不遵守情况及时地明示地提出书面异议的,视为放弃其提出异议的权利。
第四十五条 如果双方当事人有调解愿望,或一方当事人有调解愿望并经仲裁庭征得另一方当事人同意的,仲裁庭可以在仲裁程序进行过程中对其审理的案件进行调解。
第四十六条 仲裁庭可以按照其认为适当的方式进行调解。
第四十七条 仲裁庭在进行调解的过程中,任何一方当事人提出终止调解或仲裁庭认为已无调解成功的可能时,应停止调解。
第四十八条 在仲裁庭进行调解的过程中,双方当事人在仲裁庭之外达成和解的, 应视为是在仲裁庭调解下达成的和解。
第四十九条 经仲裁庭调解达成和解的,双方当事人应签订书面和解协议;除非当事人另有约定,仲裁庭应当根据当事人书面和解协议的内容作出裁决书结案。
第五十条 如果调解不成功,任何一方当事人均不得在其后的仲裁程序、司法程序和其他程序中援引对方当事人或仲裁庭在调解过程中发表过的、提出过的、建议过的、承认过的以及愿意接近过的或否定过的任何陈述、意见、观点或建议作为其请求、答辩及、或反请求的依据。

第四节 裁决
第五十一条 仲裁庭应当在组庭之日起九个月内作出仲裁裁决书。在仲裁庭的要求下,仲裁委员会秘书长认为确有必要和确有正当理由的,可以延长该期限。
第五十二条 仲裁庭应当根据事实,依照法律和合同规定,参考国际惯例,并遵循公平合理原则,独立公正地作出裁决。
第五十三条 由三名仲裁员组成的仲裁庭审理的案件,仲裁裁决依全体仲裁员或多数仲裁员的意见决定,少数仲裁员的意见可以作成记录附卷。
第五十四条 仲裁庭在其作出的仲裁裁决中,应当写明仲裁请求、争议事实、裁决理由、裁决结果、仲裁费用和负担、裁决的日期和地点。当事人协议不愿写明争议事实和裁决理由的,以及按照双方当事人和解协议的内容作出裁决的,可以不写明争议事实和裁决理由。
第五十五条 除非仲裁裁决依首席仲裁员意见或独任仲裁员意见作出,仲裁裁决应由多数仲裁员署名。持有不同意见的仲裁员可以在裁决书上署名,也可以不署名。
第五十六条 仲裁庭认为必要或者当事人提出经仲裁庭同意时,可以在仲裁过程中在最终仲裁裁决作出之前的任何时候,就案件的任何问题作出中间裁决或部分裁决。任何一方当事人不履行中间裁决,不影响仲裁程序的继续进行,也不影响仲裁庭作出最终裁决。
第五十七条 仲裁庭有权在仲裁裁决书中裁定双方当事人最终应向仲裁委员会支付的仲裁费和其他费用。
第五十八条 仲裁庭有权在裁决书中裁定败诉方应当补偿胜诉方因为办理案件所支出的部分合理的费用,但补偿金额最多不得超过胜诉方胜诉金额的 10%。
第五十九条 仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方当事人均有约束力。任何一方当事人均不得向法院起诉,也不得向其他任何机构提出变更仲裁裁决的请求。
第六十条 任何一方当事人均可以在收到仲裁裁决书之日起 30 天内就仲裁裁决书中的书写、打印、计算上的错误或其他类似性质的错误,书面申请仲裁庭作出更正;如确有错误,仲裁庭应在收到书面申请之日起 30 天内作出书面更正,仲裁庭也可以在发出仲裁裁决书之日起 30 天内自行以书面形式作出更正。该书面更正构成裁决书的一部分。
第六十一条 如果仲裁裁决有漏裁事项,任何一方当事人均可以在收到仲裁裁决书之日起 30 天内以书面形式请求仲裁庭就仲裁裁决中漏裁的仲裁事项作出补充裁决。
如确有漏裁事项,仲裁庭应在收到上述书面申请之日起 30 天内作出补充裁决,仲裁庭也可以在发出仲裁裁决书之日起 30 天内自行作出补充裁决。补充裁决构成原裁决书的一部分。
第六十二条 当事人应当依照仲裁裁决书写明的期限自动履行裁决; 仲裁裁决书未写明期限的,应当立即履行。
一方当事人不履行的,另一方当事人可以根据中国法律的规定,向中国法院申请执行; 或者根据一九五八年《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》或者中国缔结或参加的其他国际条约,向外国有管辖权的法院申请执行。

第三章 简易程序
第六十三条 除非当事人另有约定,凡是争议金额不超过人民币 50 万元的,或争议金额超过人民币 50 万元,经一方当事人书面申请并征得另一方当事人书面同意的,适用本简易程序。
第六十四条 申请人向仲裁委员会提出仲裁申请,经审查可以受理并适用简易程序的,仲裁委员会秘书处应立即向双方当事人发出仲裁通知。
除非双方当事人已从仲裁委员会仲裁员名册中共同选定了一名独任仲裁员,双方当事人应在被申请人收到仲裁通知之日起 15 天内在仲裁委员会仲裁员名册中共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名独任仲裁员。双方当事人逾期未能共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定的,仲裁委员会主任应立即指定一名独任仲裁员成立仲裁庭审理案件。
第六十五条 被申请人应在收到仲裁通知之日起 30 天内向仲裁委员会提交答辩书及有关证明文件; 如有反请求,也应在此期限内提出反请求书及有关证明文件。
第六十六条 仲裁庭可以按照其认为适当的方式,审理案件; 可以决定只依据当事人提交的书面材料和证据进行书面审理,也可以决定开庭审理。
第六十七条 当事人应按照仲裁庭的要求和限定的日期提交仲裁所需的书面材料及证据。
第六十八条 对于开庭审理的案件,仲裁庭确定开庭的日期后,仲裁委员会秘书处应在开庭前 15 天将开庭日期通知双方当事人。
第六十九条 如果仲裁庭决定开庭审理,仲裁庭只开庭一次。确有必要的,仲裁庭可以决定再次开庭。
第七十条 在进行简易程序过程中,任何一方当事人没有按照本简易程序行事时, 不影响程序的进行和仲裁庭作出裁决的权力。
第七十一条 仲裁请求的变更或反请求的提出,不影响简易程序的继续进行。
第七十二条 开庭审理的案件,仲裁庭应在开庭审理或再次开庭审理之日起30天内作出仲裁裁决书;书面审理的案件,仲裁庭应当在仲裁庭成立之日起90天内作出仲裁裁决书。在仲裁庭的要求下,仲裁委员会秘书长认为确有必要和确有正当理由的,可以对上述期限予以延长。

第四章 附则
第七十四条 仲裁委员会以中文为正式语文。当事人另有约定的,则从其约定。仲裁庭开庭时,如果当事人或其代理人、证人需要语文翻译,可以由仲裁委员会秘书处提供译员,也可以由当事人自行提供译员。
第七十五条 有关仲裁的一切文书、通知、材料等均可以派人或以挂号信或航空特快专递、传真、电传、电报或仲裁委员会秘书处认为适当的其他方式发送给当事人及/ 或其仲裁代理人。
第七十六条 向当事人及/或其仲裁代理人发送的任何书面通讯,如经当面递交收讯人或投递至收讯人的营业地点、惯常住所或通讯地址,或者经合理查询不能找到上述任一地点而以挂号信或能提供作过投递企图的记录的其他任何手段投递给收讯人最后一个为人所知的营业地点、惯常住所或通讯地址,即应视为已经送达。
第七十七条 仲裁委员会除按照其制定的仲裁费用表向当事人收取仲裁费外,可以向当事人收取其他额外的、合理的实际开支,包括仲裁员办理案件的特殊报酬、差旅费、食宿费以及仲裁庭聘请专家、鉴定人和翻译等的费用。
第七十八条 仲裁协议或合同中的仲裁条款订明由中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁或由其旧名称的中国国际贸易促进委员会海事仲裁委员会仲裁的,均应视为双方当事人一致同意由中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁。
第七十九条 本仲裁规则自1995年10月1日起施行。在本仲裁规则施行前仲裁委员会受理的案件,仍适用受理案件时适用的仲裁规则; 双方当事人同意的,也可以适用本仲裁规则。
第八十条 本仲裁规则由仲裁委员会负责解释。


(Revised and Adopted on September 4,1995 by China Chamber ofInternational Commerce. Effective as from October 1,1995.)

Whole document

Chapter I General Provisions

Section 1 Jurisdiction
Article 1
These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Arbitration Law and
the provisions of the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China
(PRC) and pursuant to the "Decision ”, the "Notice" and "Official Reply"
of the State Council of the PRC.
Article 2
China Maritime Arbitration Commission (formerly known as Maritime
Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of
International Trade, and hereinafter referred to as the "Arbitration
Commission")independently and impartially resolves, by means of
arbitration, contractual or non-contractual maritime disputes arising
from, or in the process of, transportation, production and navigation by
or at sea, in coastal waters and other waters connected with sea, in order
to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and promote
the development of the domestic and international shipping industry and
economy and trade.
The Arbitration Commission shall take cognizance of cases of following
maritime disputes:
(1) dispute arising from salvage and general average;
(2) dispute arising from collision between vessels, or from damage
caused by a vessel to the structure and installation on the sea, waterways
connected with sea, in the harbour as well as the submarine or underwater
(3) dispute arising from management, operation, chartering, mortgage,
agency, towage, raising, sale, repair, building, demolition, of
sea-going/river vessel, as well as carriage by sea in virtue of contracts
of affreightment, bill of lading or other documents, and marine insurance

(4) dispute regarding the utilization of the marine resources and
pollution damages to the marine environment ;
(5) dispute arising from contract of freight forwarding, supply of
ship's stores, employment of seaman aboard a foreign vessel, fishery
production and fishing;
(6) other maritime dispute submitted for arbitration by agreement
between the parties.
Article 3
The Arbitration Commission takes cognizance of cases in accordance
with an arbitration agreement between the parties concluded before or
after the occurrence of the dispute to refer their dispute to the
Arbitration Commission for arbitration and upon the written application by
one of the parties.
An arbitration agreement means an arbitration clause stipulated by the
parties in their contract or a written agreement concluded by the parties
in other forms to submit their dispute for arbitration.
Article 4
The Arbitration Commission has the power to decide on the existence
and validity of an arbitration agreement and the jurisdiction over an
arbitration case. If a party challenges the validity of the arbitration
agreement and requests the Arbitration Commission to make a decision
thereupon and he other party applies to the People's Court for a ruling,
the latter's ruling shall prevail.
Article 5
An arbitration clause contained in a contract shall be regarded as
existing independently and separately from the other clauses of the
contract, and an arbitration agreement attached to a contract shall be
treated as a part of the contract existing independently and separately
from the other parts of the contract. The validity of an arbitration
clause or an arbitration agreement shall not be affected by the
modification, rescission, termination, invalidity, revocation or
non-existence of the contract.
Article 6
Any objections to an arbitration agreement and/or jurisdiction over an
arbitration case shall be raised before the first hearing conducted by the
arbitration tribunal. Where a case is examined on the basis of documents
only, the objections to jurisdiction should be raised before submission of
the first substantive defense.
Article 7
Once the parties agree to submit their dispute to the Arbitration
Commission for arbitration, they shall be deemed that they have agreed to
conduct the arbitration under these Rules.

Section 2 Organization
Article 8
The Arbitration Commission shall have one honorary Chairman and
several advisers.
Article 9
The Arbitration Commission is composed of one Chairman, several
Vice-Chairmen and a number of Commission members. The Chairman performs
the functions and duties vested in him by these Rules and the
Vice-Chairmen may perform the Chairman's functions and duties with the
Chairman's authorization.
The Arbitration Commission shall have a secretariat to handle its
day-to-day work under the leadership of the Secretary-General of the
Arbitration Commission.
Article 10
The Arbitration Commission shall maintain a Panel of Arbitrators. The
arbitrators shall be selected and appointed by the Arbitration Commission
from among Chinese and foreign personages with special knowledge and
practical experience in the fields of navigation, carriage by sea, foreign
trade, insurance and law and other fields.
Article 11
The Arbitration Commission is located in Beijing. The Arbitration
Commission may, according to the requirement of development of arbitration
business, set up its Sub-Commissions in other places within china's

Chapter II Arbitration Proceedings

Section 1 Application for Arbitration, Defense and Counter-claim
Article 12
The arbitration proceedings shall commence from the date on which the
Notice of Arbitration is sent out by the Arbitration Commission.
Article 13
The Claimant shall satisfy the following requirements when submitting
his Application for Arbitration:
(1)an Application for Arbitration in writing shall be submitted and
the following shall be specified in the Application for Arbitration:
(a)the name and address of the Claimant and those of the Respondent,
including the zip code, telephone number, telex number, fax number and
cable number, if any;
(b)the arbitration agreement relied upon by the Claimant;
(c)the facts of the case and the main points of dispute;
(d)the Claimant's claim and the facts and evidence on which his claim
is based. The Application for Arbitration shall be signed and/or stamped
by the Claimant and/or the attorney authorized by the Claimant.
(2)When an Application for Arbitration is submitted to the Arbitration
Commission, the relevant documentary evidence on which the Claimant's
claim is based shall accompany the Application for Arbitration.
(3)The Claimant shall pay an arbitration fee in advance to the
Arbitration Commission according to the Arbitration Fee Schedule of the
Arbitration Commission.
Article 14
After receipt of the Application for Arbitration and its attachments
and when the secretariat of the Arbitration Commission, after examination,
deems that the Claimant has not completed the formalities required for
arbitration, the secretariat shall demand the Claimant to complete them,
and when the secretariat deems that the Claimant has completed the
formalities, the secretariat shall immediately send to the Respondent a
Notice of Arbitration together with one copy each of the Claimant's
Application for Arbitration and its attachments as well as the Arbitration
Rules, the Panel of Arbitrators and the Arbitration Fee Schedule of the
Arbitration Commission, and shall simultaneously send to the Claimant one
copy each of the Notice of Arbitration, the Arbitration Rules, the Panel
of Arbitrators and Arbitration Fee Schedule. The secretariat of the
Arbitration Commission, after sending the Notice of Arbitration to the
Claimant and Respondent, the Notice of Arbitration to the Claimant and
Respondent, shall appoint one of its staff-members to take charge of
procedural administration of the case.
Article 15
The Claimant and the Respondent shall, within 20 days as from the date
of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, appoint an arbitrator from among
the Panel of Arbitrators of the Arbitration Commission or authorize the
Chairman of the Arbitration Commission to make such appointment.
Article 16
The Respondent shall, within 45 days from the date of receipt of the
Notice of Arbitration, submit his written defense and relevant documentary
evidence to the secretariat of the Arbitration Commission.
Article 17
The Respondent shall, at the latest within 60 days from the date of
receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, lodge with the secretariat of the
Arbitration Commission his counterclaim in writing, if any. The
arbitration tribunal may extend that time limit if it deems that there
are justified reasons.
When lodging a counterclaim, the Respondent must state in his written
statement of counterclaim his specific claim, reasons for his claim and
facts and evidence upon which his claim is based, and attach to his
written statement of counterclaim the relevant documentary evidence. When
lodging a counterclaim, the Respondent shall pay an arbitration fee in
advance according to the Arbitration Fee Schedule of the Arbitration
Article 18
The Claimant may request to amend his claim and the Respondent may
request to amend his counterclaim; but the arbitration tribunal may refuse
such a request for amendment if it considers that it is too late to raise
the request and the amendment may affect the arbitration proceedings.
Article 19
When submitting application for arbitration, written defense,
statement of counterclaim, documentary evidence and other documents, the
party/parties shall submit them in quintuplicate. If the number of the
parties exceeds two, additional copies shall be submitted accordingly; if
the number of arbitrator of the arbitration tribunal is one, two copies
may be reduced.
Article 20
The arbitration proceedings shall not be affected in case the
Respondent fails to file his defense in writing or the Claimant fails to
submit his written defense against the Respondent's counterclaim.
Article 21
The parties may authorize arbitration agents to deal with the matters
relating to arbitration; the authorized attorney must produce a Power of
Attorney to the Arbitration Commission.
Chinese and foreign citizens can be authorized to act as arbitration
Article 22
When a party applies for property preservative measures, the
Arbitration Commission shall submit the party's application for a ruling
to the maritime court in the place where the domicile of the party against
whom the property preservative measures are sought is located or in the
place where the property of the said party is located.
When a party applies for taking interim measures of protection of
evidence, the Arbitration Commission shall submit the party's application
for a ruling to the maritime court in the place where the evidence is

Section 2 Formation of Arbitration Tribunal
Article 23
Each of the parties shall appoint one arbitrator from among the Panel
of Arbitrators of the Arbitration Commission or entrust the Chairman of
the Arbitration Commission to make such appointment. The third arbitrator
shall be jointly appointed by the parties or appointed by the Chairman of
the Arbitration Commission upon the parties' joint authorization. In case
the parties fail to jointly appoint or jointly entrust the Chairman of the
Arbitration Commission to appoint the third arbitrator within 20 days from
the date on which the Respondent receives the Notice of Arbitration, the
third arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Arbitration
Commission. The third arbitrator shall act as the presiding arbitrator.
The presiding arbitrator and the two appointed arbitrators shall
jointly form an arbitration tribunal to jointly hear the case.
Article 24
Both parties may jointly appoint or jointly authorize the Chairman of
the Arbitration Commission to appoint a sole arbitrator to form an
arbitration tribunal to hear the case alone.
If both parties have agreed on the appointment of a sole arbitrator to
hear their case alone but have failed to agree on the choice of such a
sole arbitrator within 20 days from the date on which the Respondent
receives the Notice of Arbitration, the Chairman of the Arbitration
Commission shall make such an appointment.
Article 25
If the Claimant or the Respondent fails to appoint or authorize the
Chairman of the Arbitration Commission to appoint an arbitrator according
to Article 15 of these Rules, the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission
shall appoint an arbitrator on his behalf.
Article 26
When there are two or more Claimants and/or Respondents in an
arbitration case, the Claimants' side and/or the Respondents' side each
shall, through consultation, appoint or entrust the Chairman of the
Arbitration Commission to appoint one arbitrator from among the Panel of
Arbitrators of the Arbitration Commission.
If the Claimants' side or the Respondents' side fails to make such
appointment or entrustment within 20 days as from the date on which the
Respondents' side receives the Notice of Arbitration, the appointment
shall be made by the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission.
Article 27
Any appointed arbitrator having a personal interest in the case shall
himself disclose such circumstances to the Arbitration Commission and
request a withdrawal from his office.
Article 28
A party may make a request in writing to the Arbitration Commission
for the removal of an appointed arbitrator from his office, if the party
has justified reasons to suspect the impartiality and independence of the
appointed arbitrator. In the request, the facts and reasons on which the
request is based and evidence must be given.
A challenge against an arbitrator for a removal from his office must
be put forward in writing no later than the first oral hearing. If the
grounds for the challenge come out or are made known after the first oral
hearing, the challenge may be raised after the first hearing but before
the end of the last hearing.
Article 29
The Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall decide on the
Article 30
If an arbitrator cannot perform his duty owing to withdrawal, demise,
removal or other reasons, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed in
accordance with the procedure pursuant to which the original arbitrator
was appointed.
After the appointment of the substitute arbitrator, the arbitration
tribunal has discretion to decide whether or not the whole or part of the
previous hearings shall be repeated. Section 3 Hearing
Article 31
The arbitration Tribunal shall hold oral hearings when examining a
case. At the request of the parties or with their consent, oral hearings
may be omitted if the arbitration tribunal also deems that oral hearings
are unnecessary, and then the arbitration tribunal may examine the case
and make an award on the basis of documents only.
Article 32
The date of the first oral hearing shall be fixed by the arbitration
tribunal in consultation with the secretariat of the Arbitration
The notice of the date of the hearing shall be communicated by the
secretariat of the Arbitration Commission to the parties 30 days before
the date of the hearing. A party having justified reasons may request a
postponement of the date of the hearing. His request must be communicated
to the secretariat of the Arbitration Commission 12 days before the date
of the hearing and the arbitration tribunal shall decide whether to
postpone the hearing or not.
Article 33
The notice of the date of hearing subsequent to the first hearing is
not subject to the 30-day time limit.
Article 34
The cases taken cognizance of by the Arbitration Commission shall be
heard in Beijing, or in other places with the approval of the
Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission.
Article 35
The arbitration tribunal shall not hear cases in open session. If both
parties request a hearing to be held in open session, the arbitration
tribunal shall decide whether to hold the hearing in open session or not.
Article 36
When a case is heard in closed session, the parties, their attorneys,
witnesses, arbitrators, experts consulted by the arbitration tribunal and
appraisers appointed by the arbitration tribunal and the relevant
staff-members of the secretariat of the Arbitration Commission shall not
disclose to outsiders the substantive or procedural matters of the case.
Article 37
The parties shall produce evidence for the facts on which their claim,
defense and counterclaims are based. The arbitration tribunal may
undertake investigations and collect evidence on its own initiative, if it
deems it necessary.
If the arbitration tribunal investigates and collects evidence on its
own initiative, it shall timely inform the parties to be present on the
spot if it deems it necessary. Should one party or both parties fail to
appear on the spot, the investigation and collection of evidence shall by
no means be affected.
Article 38
The arbitration tribunal may consult an expert or appoint an appraiser
for the clarification of special questions relating to the case. Such an
expert or appraiser can be an organization or a citizen, Chinese or
The arbitration tribunal has the power to order the parties and the
parties are also obliged to submit or produce to the expert or appraiser
any materials, documents, properties or goods related to the case for
check-up, inspection and/or appraisal.
Article 39
The expert's report and the appraiser's report shall be copied to the
parties so that they may have the opportunity to give their opinions
thereon. At the request of any party to the case and with the approval of
the arbitration tribunal, the expert and appraiser may be present at the
hearing and give explanations of their reports when the arbitration
tribunal deems it necessary and appropriate.
Article 40
The evidence submitted by the parties shall be examined and decided by
the arbitration tribunal. The adoption of the expert's report and the
appraiser's report shall be determined by the arbitration tribunal.
Article 41
Should one of the parties fail to appear at the hearing, the
arbitration tribunal may proceed with the hearing and make an award by
Article 42
During the hearing, the arbitration tribunal may make a record in
writing and/or by tape-recording. The arbitration tribunal may, when it
deems it necessary, make a minute stating the main points of the hearing
and ask the parties and/or their attorneys, witnesses and/or other persons
involved to sign their names on it and/or affix their seals to it.
The record in writing or by tape-recording is only for the use and
reference of the arbitration tribunal.
Article 43
If the parties to an arbitration case reach an amicable settlement
agreement by themselves, they may either request the arbitration tribunal
to make an award in accordance with the contents of their amicable
settlement agreement to end the case or request a dismissal of the case.
The Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission shall decide on the
request for a dismissal of the case if the request is made before the
formation of the arbitration tribunal, and the arbitration tribunal shall
decide if the request is put forward after the formation of the
arbitration tribunal.
If the party or the parties refer the dismissed case again to the
Arbitration Commission for arbitration, the Chairman of the Arbitration
Commission shall decide whether to accept the reference or not.
Article 44

不分页显示   总共2页  1 [2]





第 一 章  总  则

  第一条 为提高运动员运动技术水平,规范运动员技术等级称号(以下简称“等级称号”)申请、审核和审批工作,根据《中华人民共和国体育法》及有关法律、法规,制订本办法。
  第二条 运动员的运动成绩达到本项目《运动员技术等级标准》(以下简称“等级标准”),授予相应的等级称号。
  第三条 申请、审核、审批和授予等级称号,应当遵循公开、公平、公正的原则,依照规定的权限、程序和期限进行。

第 二 章  审核、审批权

  第四条 总局审批授予全国范围内运动员各级别等级称号。
  第五条 省、自治区、直辖市[以下简称“省(区、市)”]体育行政部门审批授予一级运动员及以下等级称号。
  第六条 地(市)级体育行政部门审批授予二级运动员及以下等级称号。
  第七条 县(区)级体育行政部门审批授予三级运动员等级称号。

第 三 章  申  请

  第八条 运动员在规定比赛中取得成绩并达到相应标准的可以申请等级称号。
  第九条 各项目可以授予相应等级称号的比赛须列入各级体育行政部门年度竞赛计划,具体比赛、种类和名称按各项目等级标准执行。
  第十条 运动员必须在取得成绩后的6个月内向所在地体育部门提出等级称号申请,超过期限的不予受理。
  第十一条 申请材料包括《技术等级称号申请表》和成绩证明材料。
  第十二条 申请相应等级称号必须符合以下程序:
  第十三条 运动员或其所属部门以集体球类或团体项目成绩申请等级称号,在等级标准规定的人数内进行一次性集体申请。
  第十四条 运动员在同一项目里成绩同时达到两个以上(含两个)相同标准的,应当提出一份申请。

第 四 章  审核、审批和授予

  第十五条 各级体育部门应当在收到申请材料后1个月内完成审核工作,审核合格后按第十三条规定及时报批。
第十六条 各级体育行政部门应当在收到申请材料后的3个月内完成审批工作。
  第十七条 审批授予部门授予运动员等级称号必须以正式文件形式公布,公布内容包括运动项目、运动员姓名、代表地区(单位)和授予的等级称号等。
  第十八条 审批授予部门应当留存一份其授予等级称号的运动员的《技术等级称号申请表》归档。
  第十九条 审批授予部门应当向获得等级称号的运动员颁发等级称号证书和证章。

第 五 章  监督检查和罚则

  第二十条 各级体育行政部门应当加强对下级体育部门审核、审批和授予工作的监督检查,及时纠正审核、审批工作中违反本办法的行为。
  第二十一条 各级体育行政部门对下级体育部门审核、审批工作进行监督检查时,应当将有关情况和处理结果予以记录,由监督检查人员签字后归档。
  第二十二条 任何部门和个人发现体育部门在审核、审批和授予工作有违反本办法行为的,有权向有关体育行政部门举报,体育行政部门应当及时核实、处理。
  第二十三条 有下列情形之一的,对有关体育行政部门,由总局暂停其等级称号审批权1至4年;对负有责任的主管人员和直接责任人员,由有关体育行政部门给予通报批评或行政处分;情节严重构成犯罪的,移交有关部门依法追究刑事责任:
  第二十四条 有下列情形之一的,上级体育行政部门应当撤销授予的等级称号:

第 六 章  附  则

  第二十五条 等级称号证书和证章由总局统一设计、印制。
  第二十六条 解放军体育部门审批授予解放军运动员一级运动员及以下等级称号,并审核解放军运动员国际级运动健将及以下等级称号申请材料;有关办法由解放军体育部门自行制定、公布并执行。
  第二十七条 本办法暂不适用于港澳台和外籍运动员。
  第二十八条 本办法自10月1日起施行。其他文件和本办法不一致的,按本办法执行。
