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Interim Provisions of Ministry of Finance of the People's Republicof China Concerning Reduction and Exemption of Enterprise Income Tax andIndustrial Consolidated Tax for the Encouragement of Foreign Investment inChina's Open Coastal Econo
mic Areas

(Promulgated by the Ministry of Finance on June 15, 1988)

Whole document

Interim Provisions of Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of
China Concerning Reduction and Exemption of Enterprise Income Tax and
Industrial Consolidated Tax for the Encouragement of Foreign Investment in
China's Open Coastal Economic Areas
(Promulgated by the Ministry of Finance on June 15, 1988)
The present set of interim provisions is formulated in respect of
reduction and exemption of enterprise income tax and industrial and
commercial consolidated tax for foreign investors in order to promote the
economic and technological exchange, absorb the foreign investment, import
foreign technology and accelerate economic development in China's open
coastal economic areas, namely the East Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong
Peninsula, Yangtze river delta, Zhujiang river delta and a triangular area
in south Fujian comprising Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou. It reads as
Article 1
Subject to approval by the Ministry of Finance, the productive
enterprises established by foreign investors in China's open coastal
economic areas (hereinafter referred to as open area enterprises) shall
pay their enterprise income tax at a preferential tax rate of 15% if they
satisfy any one of the following conditions:
i) they are technology-intensive or knowledge-intensive enterprises;
ii) the foreign investors have contributed more than US $ 30 million
of investment to the enterprise and is expected to take a long time to
recoup their investment, and
iii) they are engaged in energy, transport and port construction
Subject to approval by the Ministry of Finance, open area enterprises
engaged in the following lines of business but are not qualified under the
requirements set in the preceding paragraph may pay their enterprise
income tax at a 20% discount:
1. machinery manufacturing, electronic industry;
2. metallurgy, chemical, building materials industry;
3. light industrial products, textiles, packaging industry;
4. medical instrument production, pharmaceutical industry;
5. agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and aquaculture and their
related processing business, and
6. building industry.
The reduction and exemption of enterprise income tax for open area
enterprises shall be carried out, on the basis of the above-mentioned tax
rate and subject to the scope, conditions and terms stipulated in the
"Provisions of the State Council of the People's Republic of China for the
Encouragement of Foreign Investment", "Income Tax Law of the People's
Republic of China Concerning Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign
Investment" and "Foreign Enterprise Income Tax Law".

Article 2
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the State Council are given the authority to
determine the reduction and exemption of the local income tax for open
area enterprises.
Article 3
The dividends, interest, rentals and royalties and other income
derived from China by foreign investors, where they have not established
an establishment, are subject to income tax at a reduced tax rate of 10%
unless such income has already been subject to income tax exemption by
law. The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the State Council can grant more preferences
to the foreign investors regarding tax reduction and exemption if the
foreign investors can provide capital and equipment on favorable terms, or
transfer advanced technology to China.
Article 4
The production equipment, operational facilities, construction
materials and means of transport, office equipment imported by open area
enterprises as part of their initial investment or new investment shall
not be subject to industrial and commercial consolidated tax.
Article 5
Apart from crude oil, finished oil products and those products
according to other State's regulations, exports produced by open area
enterprises are not subject to industrial and commercial consolidated tax
but those products which are to be sold in the domestic markets will have
to pay the said tax according to the provisions.
Article 6
The raw materials and processed materials, parts and components and
packing materials imported by open area enterprises and used in the
manufacturing of export products are not subject to industrial and
commercial consolidated tax but those used in the manufacturing of
products which are to be sold in the domestic markets are subject to the
said tax according to the provisions.
Article 7
The household articles and transport vehicles carried by the foreign
workers who work for or reside in an open area enterprise shall not be
subject to industrial and commercial consolidated tax. However, the
foreign workers must be able to present a certificate issued by a
municipal government (directly subordinated under a provincial government)
or a higher level authority regarding the exemption and the amount of
articles (vehicles) they carried into the country must be within a
reasonable limit.

Article 8
In order to facilitate quarantine work on imported plants and animals,
experimental farms may be set up in the one or two islands of Guangdong,
Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangsu or Shandong so that the imported fine strains
(breeds) of plants or animals can be tested and cultivated. Since these
experimental farms are of the nature of research and development projects
they shall not be subject to all kinds of tax for five years starting from
their first profit-making year.

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